Presented by The Ministry of Finance

Annual Reports

Each year, the Government of The Bahamas' Ministry of Finance produces an Annual Budget report, which is tabled in the House of Assembly the last Wednesday in May during the annual Budget Communication. This report is debated in Parliament during the month of June before being passed prior to the start of the government's fiscal year, which begins July 1.

The most recently published reports can be found below. Past reports can be found in this website's archive.

BSD Bahamian Dollar
CHF Swiss Franc
CYN Chinese Yuan Renminbi
EUR Euro
GBP British Pound Sterling
SDR Special Drawing Rights
USD United States Dollar
ATM Average Time to Maturity
ATR Average Time to Re-fixing
CDB Caribbean Development Bank
CDC ComSec Commonwealth Secretariat
DOD Disbursed and Outstanding Debt
EEC European Economic Community
GBE Government Business Enterprise
GDP Gross Domestic Product
IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank)
IDB Inter-American Development Bank
IMF International Monetary Fund
PDSB Public Debt Statistical Bulletin
Approved budget A budget formally adopted by parliament and is the ultimate reference point regarding budgetary concerns and accounting for public funds. The approval takes place before the start of the Government’s fiscal year.
Average Time to Maturity (ATM) A measure of the weighted average time to maturity of all principal repayments in a portfolio. A longer ATM implies lower financing risk, and vice versa.
Average Time to Refixing (ATR) A measure of the weighted average time until all principal repayments in a debt portfolio become subject to a new interest rate.
Budget Deficit The excess of total expenditure over revenue during a single fiscal year.
Budget Surplus The excess of total revenue over expenditure during a single fiscal year.
Budget The Government’s main economic policy document that comprises of a comprehensive report of the Government’s financial plans; including, expenditures, revenues, deficit or surplus and financing.
Capital Expenditure Payments for acquisition of fixed capital assets, land or intangible assets.
Citizen’s Guide A user friendly summary of the key points in the annual budget and other budgetary related documents.
Contingent Liabilities Comprises of both Bahamian and foreign currency claims on the public corporations guaranteed by the Government.
Direct Charge The direct claim on the Central Government by foreign and local holders of the Public Debt.
Expenditure Ceilings An upper limit on the level of government expenditure.
External Borrowing Comprises of borrowings sourced from nonresidents in all currencies.
External Debt The portion of the debt that is owed to nonresidents in foreign currencies.
Financing Activities Demonstrates how the deficit was financed or a surplus was allocated.
Fiscal Year (FY) The Bahamas’ fiscal year runs during the period of July 1 to June 30.
Government Revenue Proceeds from tax revenues, non-tax revenues, grants and capital revenues.
Gross Domestic Product A monetary value of all the final goods and services produced in the country in a specific time period.
Inflation A general rise in prices of goods and services in the economy.
Internal Borrowing Comprises of borrowings sourced from residents in all currencies.
Internal Debt The portion of the debt that is owed to residents in foreign currencies and Bahamian dollars.
Month-over-Month (M-o-M) The method used to evaluate and compare the results in the current period with those of a comparable period on a monthly basis.
M-o-M growth rate Reflects the growth in the current month over the same month of the previous year.
Recurrent Expenditure All ongoing payments excluding those for capital assets and certain subsidies, but also includes interest payments, subsidies and transfers.
Refinancing Risk The possibility that a borrower cannot refinance its debt by borrowing to repay existing debt.
Reporting Currency The local currency of The Bahamas is the Bahamian Dollar. This Dollar is pegged to the United States Dollar at 1:1.
Sinking Fund A fund established to retire future debt obligations.
Supplementary Budget Displays modifications or amendments to the approved budget which may arise during the course of the financial/fiscal year.
Weighted Average Interest Rate (WAIR) The weighted average interest rate on outstanding debts is determined by the value of the debt as a percentage of the total outstanding amount.
Year-over-Year (Y-o-Y) The method used to evaluate and compare the results in the current period with those of a comparable period on an annualized basis.
Year-to-Date (YTD) The time period from the beginning of the fiscal year or the calendar year up to the current date.
Yield Curve A graph that plots the structure of interest rates, at a set point in time, of government securities with different maturities, ranging from the 3-months T-bills to the 30 year bonds. It enables investors to compare yields offered on short, medium and long-term government paper.
Y-o-Y growth rate Reflects the growth in the current year over the previous year on an annualized basis.
Report cover image

2024 Fiscal Strategy Report

Publication Date: May 29th, 2024

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Annual Borrowing Plan FY2023/24

Publication Date: July 14, 2023

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Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy FY2023/24 - FY2025/26

Publication Date: December 2022

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2022 Fiscal Strategy Report

Publication Date: December 2022

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Annual Borrowing Plan 2022

Publication Date: July 8, 2022

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Annual Budget 2022/23

Publication Date: May 2022

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Fiscal Strategy Report 2021

Publication Date: December 2021

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Annual Borrowing Plan 2021

Publication Date: July 8, 2021

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Annual Budget 2021/22

Publication Date: May 2021

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Fiscal Strategy Report 2020

Publication Date: December 2020

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Annual Budget 2020/21

Publication Date: May 2020

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Fiscal Strategy Report 2019

Publication Date: November 2019

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